Rest in power

Created by Tania 3 years ago
The first time I met Malcolm (and Tony, Tim, and the other Critical Chatters) was in a room near Euston, probably in 2006. I’d found the Critical Chatting Collective when researching radical youth work for my BA dissertation. Tony had encouraged me by email to come to one of their meetings and say something on their theme of youth participation from my perspective as a detached youth worker. Although they were all welcoming I felt nervous and out of place as everyone knew each other, and as I talked about the young people I’d worked with and passed photos around I somehow felt I’d got the tone wrong. Awkwardly I came to the end of my spiel and looked up nervously… Mal caught my eye, smiled generously and gave his ultimate compliment - ‘that’s smart’. I instantly felt more relaxed. Over the years it has been a privilege and pleasure to work with Mal as part of In Defence of Youth Work. I always loved listening to him talking about his work and appreciated how he combined a sharp critique with a gentle, generous, relaxed approach. Rest in power Malcolm – as you used to sign off, ‘love n struggle, another world is possible’.